Here is the complete list of pages and directories of I Learn
Click on the page or the directory that you like. If you click on a directory then you will also find a
detailed listing in that directory.
Main Site (7)
- Home
- Login and Registration
- Subscription Prices
- Registration (Individual/Family)
- Group Registration
- Lesson Plans
- News
Greek Grammar Lessons (46)
- Grammar Lessons Directory
Greek Grammar Quizzes (55)
- Grammar Quizzes
Greek Grammar Extras (70)
- Extras Directory
Includes: complete conjugation of some verbs, numerals, telling time,
accents and other punctuation, and more.
- Numerals
- Telling Time
- Tenses of Common Verbs
- Dialitika (Accent related)
- Accent Rules
- The Double Accent
- The Importance of the Accent
- The Apostrophe
- The Verb "Like=Αρέσω"
- The mystery of Greek Accusative Case!
- Simple Spelling Rules
- Conjugation of the verb "Answer = Απαντώ, Απαντάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Ascend = Ανεβαίνω" (1st group) (ascend, rise, mount)
- Conjugation of the verb "Ask = Ρωτώ, Ρωτάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Breathe = Αναπνέω" (1st group) (breathe, respire)
- Conjugation of the verb "Bring = Φέρνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Crush, Break = Τσακίζω" (1st group ending in -ιζω)
- Conjugation of the verb "Enter = Μπαίνω" (1st group) (enter, get in, come in)
- Conjugation of the verb "Hold = Κρατώ, Κρατάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Fly = Πετώ, Πετάω" (2nd group) (fly,throw, throw away)
- Conjugation of the verb "Laugh = Γελώ, Γελάω" (2nd group) (Laugh,cheat, trick)
- Conjugation of the verb "Learn = Μαθαίνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Leave = Αφήνω - Αφίνω" (1st group) (Leave, let, give up, abandon)
- Conjugation of the verb "Occupy, Seize, Take = Καταλαμβάνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Open = Ανοίγω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Pass = Περνώ, Περνάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Receive, get = Λαμβάνω" 1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Speak = Μιλάω, Μιλώ " (2nd group) (Speak, talk)
- Conjugation of the verb "Stop = Σταματώ, Σταματάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Teach = Διδάσκω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Tie = Δένω" (1st group) (Bind, Fasten)
- Conjugation of the verb "Understand = Καταλαβαίνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Undertake, take over, resume, regain = αναλαμβάνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Win = Νικώ, Νικάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Burn = Καίω, Καίγω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Chant = Ψέλνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Do = Κάνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Drink = Πίνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Give = Δίνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Go = Πηγαίνω - Πάω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Eat = Τρώγω - Τρώω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Find = Βρίσκω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Leave = Φεύγω" (1st group) (Leave, go away, flee)
- Conjugation of the verb "Produce = Παράγω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Put = Βάζω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Say = Λέγω - Λέω" (1st group) (say, tell, speak)
- Conjugation of the verb "See = Βλέπω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Stay = Μένω" (1st group) (Stay, live, remain, abide)
- Conjugation of the verb "Take = Παίρνω" (1st group) (Take, receive)
- Conjugation of the verb "Want = Θέλω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Wash = Πλένω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Αccept = Δέχομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "(I'm) Bored = Βαριέμαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "(be) Born = Γεννιέμαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Dream = Ονειρεύομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Feel = Αισθάνομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Sleep = Κοιμάμαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Think = Σκέφτομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Tie (myself) = Δένομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Attack = Επιτίθεμαι - Επιτίθομαι" (4th group)(Attack, Assault)
- Conjugation of the verb "Become = Γίνομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "(I'm) Burning = Καίγομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Promise = Υπόσχομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Protest = Διαμαρτύρομαι" (4th group) (Protest, Oppose)
- Conjugation of the verb "Respect = Σέβομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Sit = Κάθομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Stand = Στέκομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Wash (myself) = Πλένομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Wish = Εύχομαι" (4th group)
Greek Phrases and more (82)
- Basic Greek Phrases and More - Your online Greek school!
- Lesson 1: Αα, Ββ, Γγ
- Lesson 2: Δδ, Εε, Ζζ
- Lesson 3: Ηη, Θθ, Ιι
- Lesson 4: Κκ, Λλ, Μμ
- Lesson 5: Νν, Ξξ, Οο
- Lesson 6: Ππ, Ρρ, Σσς
- Lesson 7: Ττ, Υυ, Φφ
- Lesson 8: Χχ, Ψψ, Ωω
- Lesson 9: Double Vowels - οι, ει, υι
- Lesson 10: Double Vowels - αι, ου
- Lesson 11: Double Vowels - αυ, ευ
- Lesson 12: Double Consonants - μπ, ντ
- Lesson 13: Double Consonants - γκ, γγ
- Lesson 14: Double Consonants - τσ, τζ
- Lesson 15 Simple Reading
- Lesson 16 Simple Reading
- Lesson 17 Simple Reading
- Lesson 18 Simple Reading
- Lesson 19 Simple Reading
- Lesson 20 Simple Reading
- Lesson 21 Simple Reading
- Lesson 22 Simple Reading
- Lesson 23 Simple Reading
Beginners 1
- Basic conversation and phrases
- Answering the Phone
- Using Numbers (1-12)
- At the Dinner Table
- Colors
- In the Kitchen
- Personal Hygiene
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Christmas & New Years
- About School
- One, Many
- Rooms of the House
- Playing, Toys and Games
- Here, There, Up, Down, Under, etc.
- Who, Which, Where, What
- How & When
- Why & Because
- Parts of the Body
- Clothes with Numbers
- Persons and Relations
- Our World
- Easter
- Days of the Week
- Characteristics
- Farm and House Animals
Beginners 2
- Basic conversation and phrases (2)
- Answering the Phone (2)
- Food & Kitchen
- Colors, Coloring & Painting
- In the Kitchen
- Personal Hygiene. I Clean
- Fruits Vegetables & More
- One, Two... Many
- House Rooms & More (2)
- Toys, Games & Playing (2)
- Here, There, Up, Down, Under, In, Out, Beside.
- Who, Which, Where, What (2)
- Parts of the Body 2
- Clothes and their Plural
- Lesson 1 - The school
- Lesson 2 - The Autumn
- Lesson 3 - A Rainy Day
- Lesson 4 - Dinner with the Family
- Lesson 5 - Thanksgiving Day
- Lesson 6 - The decoration of the yard
- Lesson 7 - The Winter
- Lesson 8 - At Grandpa’s House
- Lesson 9 - A Saturday with snow
- Lesson 10 - My House
- Lesson 11 - The Week
- Lesson 12 - The Lent
- Lesson 13 - The months of the Year - Page 1
- Lesson 14 - The months of the Year - Page 2
- Lesson 15 - The Days of the Week
Intermediate 1
- Lesson 1 - Cities of Greece
- Lesson 2 - My Relatives
- Lesson 3 - At the Farm
- Lesson 4 - The Spring
- Lesson 5 - The Garden
Greek Dialogues (51)
- Greek Dialogues Directory
Sentences & Phrases 1 - Beginners
- Use of: "who, which"
- Use of: "how, when"
- Use of: "where, what"
- Use of: "why, because"
- Use of: "How Much/Many, Much/Many"
Sentences & Phrases 2 - Intermediate
- Use of verb: "Bring"
- Use of verb: "Come"
- Use of verb: "Do"
- Use of verb: "Drink"
- Use of verb: "Eat"
- Use of verbs: "Enter, Get in, Come in"
- Use of verbs: "Fly, Throw, Throw away"
- Use of verb: "Give"
- Use of verb: "Go"
- Use of verb: "Have"
- Use of verb: "Know"
- Use of verb: "Learn"
- Use of verb: "Leave" as "let", "leave behind"
- Use of verb: "Like"
- Use of verb: "Open"
- Use of verb: "Play"
- Use of verb: "Put"
- Use of verb: "Say, Tell"
- Use of verb: "See"
- Use of verb: "Speak, Talk"
- Use of verb: "Teach"
- Use of verb: "Take, Get"
- Use of verb: "Understand"
- Use of verb: "Want"
- Use of verb: "Wash"
- Use of verb: "Win"
Dialogues & Phrases - Advanced
- Daily Basic Chat
- Getting a Taxi
- At the Post Office
- Asking for Directions
- At the Bank
- At the Newsstand
- At a Restaurant
- At a Cafeteria (Cafe)
- Introductions Between Friends
- Checking into a Hotel
- Going to the Museum
- At the Museum
- Emergency Phrases
- At the Airport
Expressions - Advanced
- Expressions Page 1
- Expressions Page 2
Compound Words and More - Advanced
- Compound Words and More Page 1
- Compound Words and More Page 2
- Compound Words and More Page 3
Greek Vocabulary - Learn Greek Words (142)
- Vocabulary Directory
Click to see a complete list of pages containing Greek words grouped by subject.
There are 142 pages with greek words here all Free!
Vocabulary Quizzes (2)
- Vocabulary Quizzes
The Way We Speak! (9)
- TheWayWeSpeak
Greek Mythology in English and Greek (138)
- Greek Mythology
Includes: Gods and Genesis, the heroes Hercules, Theseus, Jason and
Perseus, The Trojan War, the Odyssey and other myths.
Click to see the complete list of Greek Mythology pages.
- The Trojan War
- The Odyssey
Greek Customs and Traditions (15)
- Greek Customs
and Traditions
Greek Hangman games (12)
- Word Games Directory
Greek Memory games (10)
- Memory Games
Greek for Kids! (27)
- Greek for Kids
Designed for kids, this section includes online Greek learning cards with
audio, games and activities.
- English-Greek and Greek-English
Other (8)
- Testimonials
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