The adverbs (Τα Επιρρήματα)
show us place, time, means or manner, confirmation,
quantity, refusal or negation. The Adverbs modify the verbs.
They are divided into six kinds:
Table 35.1 shows you most of the Adverbs.
Table 35.1
Adverb Name |
Adverbs |
Adverbs that Show Time |
πότε? = when?
σήμερα = today
ποτέ = never
τώρα = now
αργά = late
αύριο = tomorrow
χτες = yesterday
ύστερα = after, then, later
πέρσι = last year
πάντα = always
του χρόνου = next year
προχτές - the day before yesterday
Ποσοτικά - Adverbs that Show Quantity |
πόσο? = how much?
πόσα? = how many?
πολύ = much
αρκετά = enough
καθόλου = not at all
λίγο = little
περισσότερο = more
Βεβαιωτικά -
Adverbs that Show Confirmation |
ναι = yes
μάλιστα = yes
βέβαια = of course
Τοπικά -
Adverbs that show a Place |
πού? = where?
εδώ = here
εκεί = there
πάνω = up
κάτω = down
κάτω από = under
δεξιά = right
αριστερά = left
βόρεια = north
νότια = south
κοντά = near
μακριά = far
γύρω = around
έξω = out, outside
μέσα = in, inside
κάπου = somewhere
Adverbs that Show Means or Manner |
πώς? = how?
έτσι = thus
αργά = slowly
μαζί = together
ευτυχώς = fortunately
δυστυχώς = unfortunately
αλλιώς = differently
ακριβώς = exactly
Αρνητικά -
Adverbs that Show Refusal or Negation |
όχι = no, not
δεν = no, not
μην = don't
Besides the adverbs that I show you in table 35.1,
we can make adverbs from the adjectives buy adding an - α- at the end.
Example :
From the adjective " όμορφος -
όμορφη -
which means "handsome, beautiful" we can make the Adverb of
manner όμορφα meaning "beautifully" or from the the
adjective " καλός -
καλή -
καλό" which means
"good", we can make the Adverb " καλά" meaning "well".