Check out our Greek Grammar Extras! We've included all the stuff we didn't cover in
our regular lessons, plus some extras that you asked for.
Want to learn how to tell time in Greek? You got it!
Need to brush up on your numbers? We've got you covered!
And if you want to see the full conjugation of a bunch of Greek verbs, we've got that too.
There's tons of other cool stuff in here too - take a look!
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- Numerals

- Telling Time

- Tenses of Common Verbs

- Dialitika (Accent related)

- Accent Rules

- The Double Accent

- The Importance of the Accent

- The Apostrophe

- The Verb "Like=Αρέσω"

- The mystery of Greek Accusative Case!

- Simple Spelling Rules

Complete Conjugation of Greek verbs in Active Voice
Regular Verbs
- Conjugation of the verb "Answer = Απαντώ, Απαντάω" (2nd group)

- Conjugation of the verb "Ascend = Ανεβαίνω" (1st group) (ascend, rise, mount)

- Conjugation of the verb "Ask = Ρωτώ, Ρωτάω" (2nd group)

- Conjugation of the verb "Breathe = Αναπνέω" (1st group) (breathe, respire)

- Conjugation of the verb "Bring = Φέρνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Crush, Break = Τσακίζω" (1st group ending in -ιζω) New
- Conjugation of the verb "Enter = Μπαίνω" (1st group) (enter, get in, come in)
- Conjugation of the verb "Hold = Κρατώ, Κρατάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Fly = Πετώ, Πετάω" (2nd group) (fly,
throw, throw away)
- Conjugation of the verb "Laugh = Γελώ, Γελάω" (2nd group) (Laugh,
cheat, trick)
- Conjugation of the verb "Learn = Μαθαίνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Leave = Αφήνω - Αφίνω" (1st group) (Leave, let, give up, abandon)
- Conjugation of the verb "Occupy, Seize, Take = Καταλαμβάνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Open = Ανοίγω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Pass = Περνώ, Περνάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Receive, get = Λαμβάνω" 1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Speak = Μιλάω, Μιλώ " (2nd group) (Speak, talk)
- Conjugation of the verb "Stop = Σταματώ, Σταματάω" (2nd group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Teach = Διδάσκω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Tie = Δένω" (1st group) (Bind, Fasten)
- Conjugation of the verb "Understand = Καταλαβαίνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Undertake, take over, resume, regain = αναλαμβάνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Win = Νικώ, Νικάω" (2nd group)
Irregular Verbs
- Conjugation of the verb "Burn = Καίω, Καίγω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Chant = Ψέλνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Do = Κάνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Drink = Πίνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Give = Δίνω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Go = Πηγαίνω - Πάω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Eat = Τρώγω - Τρώω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Find = Βρίσκω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Leave = Φεύγω" (1st group) (Leave, go away, flee)
- Conjugation of the verb "Produce = Παράγω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Put = Βάζω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Say = Λέγω - Λέω" (1st group) (say, tell, speak)
- Conjugation of the verb "See = Βλέπω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Stay = Μένω" (1st group) (Stay, live, remain, abide)
- Conjugation of the verb "Take = Παίρνω" (1st group) (Take, receive)
- Conjugation of the verb "Want = Θέλω" (1st group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Wash = Πλένω" (1st group)
Complete Conjugation of Greek verbs in Passive Voice
Regular Verbs
- Conjugation of the verb "Αccept = Δέχομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "(I'm) Bored = Βαριέμαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "(be) Born = Γεννιέμαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Dream = Ονειρεύομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Feel = Αισθάνομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Sleep = Κοιμάμαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Think = Σκέφτομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Tie (myself) = Δένομαι" (4th group)
Irregular Verbs
- Conjugation of the verb "Attack = Επιτίθεμαι - Επιτίθομαι" (4th group)
(Attack, Assault)
- Conjugation of the verb "Become = Γίνομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "(I'm) Burning = Καίγομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Promise = Υπόσχομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Protest = Διαμαρτύρομαι" (4th group) (Protest, Oppose)
- Conjugation of the verb "Respect = Σέβομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Sit = Κάθομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Stand = Στέκομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Wash (myself) = Πλένομαι" (4th group)
- Conjugation of the verb "Wish = Εύχομαι" (4th group)