Greek - Phonetics |
Sound |
Translation |
Πόσο, πόσα; POso, POsa |
How much? |
Πόσα; POsa |
How many? |
Πόσο νερό πίνεις; POso neRO PInis |
How much water are you drinking? |
Πόσα λεφτά έχεις; POsa lefTA Ehis |
How much money do you have? |
Όχι πολλά. Ohi poLA |
Not much. |
Πόσο κοστίζει; * POso koSTIzi |
How much does it cost? |
Πόσο κάνει; * POso KAni |
How much does it cost? |
Πόσο είναι; POso EEne |
How much is it? |
Πόσο είναι αυτό το καπέλο; ** POso EEne afTO to kaPElo |
How much is this hat? |
Πόσο κάνει αυτό το καπέλο; ** POso KAni afTO to kaPElo |
How much is this hat? |
Πόσο κοστίζει αυτό το καπέλο; POso koSTIzi afTO to kaPElo |
How much does this hat cost? |
Πόσα μήλα θέλεις; POsa MIla THElis |
How many apples do you want? |
Θέλω πολλά. THElo poLA |
I want many. |
Πόσα μίλια ταξίδεψες; POsa MIlia taKSIthepses |
How many miles did you travel? |
Πολλά. poLA |
Many |
Μου αρέσει να έχω πολλά αυτοκίνητα. mou aREsi na Eho poLA aftoKInita |
I like to have many cars. |
Θέλω πολλά παιχνίδια. THElo poLA pehNIthia |
I want many toys. |
*, ** Pay attention to the different ways you can ask the same question.