I will try to explain farther and with plain words the
accusative case.
The official explanation of the Greek Accusative case is:
"Accusative is the case of the object. (Whom/what or with whom/with what)".
In other words the object of the verb. The person or thing that the energy
is transferred to.
My simplest explanation is that, when you are talking about the
person or the thing (not asking
who or what they are), and
not to the person or thing, you use accusative case.
To explain this more, let's check a few phrases. Please pay attention to the
explanations. I will try to think of every possible scenario and usage of
the accusative case:
- Example 1: "Πήγα βόλτα με τον φίλο μου (I went for a walk with my friend)"
In this sentence me and you (the subjects) are talking about a third person or thing (the object). We
are not talking with that person. The
energy is transferred to that person. He is the object.
- Example 2: "Βλέπω τον μπαμπά (I see dad)"
Again you (the subject), is talking about a third person (τον μπαμπά).
"τον μπαμπά", is the object that the energy from the verb is transferred to.
- Example 3: "Που είναι το μολύβι; Είναι πάνω στην καρέκλα. (Where is the pencil? It's on the chair)"
Here, you (the subject), answers the question.
Ειναι (the energy) -
πανω (is transferred to) -
στην καρέκλα (the object) .
- Example 4: "θα φάω όλη την κότα. (I'll eat all the chicken)"
Me (the subject), will eat the chicken (object)
The object (την κότα) will be eaten. The energy from the verb goes to the object again.
Accusative case will almost always, be used in the middle of a phrase.
Με τον πατέρα μου (with my father) (Accusative: he is the
Ποιος είναι αυτός; Ο πατέρας μου (Who is he? My father) (Nominative:
he is the subject)
Related Subjects:
The Cases