The Odyssey is the other epic that Homer wrote.
It is about the ten years that it took king Odysseus to return to his island
Ithaca after the Trojan War had ended.
In this section we have broken up these ten years into chapters where you
can read about Odysseus' adventures on his way home and also what
happened once he got there.
Read about how he outsmarted the Cyclops, got away from the Sirens, and
what happened on the island of Calypso, all to get back to his wife Penelope
and son Telemachus.
Click on the links below to take you to the chapter that you
would like to study, or
start from the first link and keep reading this amazing story.
The following chapters are in English and Greek.
- Returning to Greece

- Odysseus

- Cicones and the Lotus Eaters

- The Island of the Cyclops Part 1
The Island of the Cyclops Part 2
- The Island of Aeolus

- Odysseus and the Laestrygonians

- On the Island of Circe

- The Kingdom of the Dead

- The Sirens

- Skylla and Charybdis

- The Cattle of the Sun

- On the Island of Calypso

- The Island of Phaeacians

- The Suitors

- The Assembly of the People of Ithaca

- Telemachus and Nestor

- Telemachus and Menelaus

- Odysseus and Nausicaa

- Odysseus and Alcinous

- Odysseus in Ithaca

- Odysseus and Eumaeus

- Telemachus Returns to Ithaca

- Telemachus Meets his Father

- Odysseus in the Palace

- Odysseus and Penelope

- Odysseus Strings his Bow

- Odysseus Kills the Suitors

- Odysseus Reveals Himself to Penelope

- Odysseus and Laertes

- Peace in Ithaca
