Greek - Phonetics |
Sound |
Translation |
Εγώ πηγαίνω. eGO piGEno |
I go. |
Εγώ πάω. eGO PAo |
I go. |
Εγώ πήγα eGO PIga |
I went. |
Που πηγαίνεις; pou piGEnis? |
where are you going? |
Που πας; pou pas? |
Where are you going? |
Πηγαίνω στην καφετέρια. piGEno stin kafeTEria. |
I'm going to the cafeteria. |
Πάω στο παιχνίδι. PAo sto pehNIthi. |
I'm going to the game. |
Που πήγαινες; pou PIgenes? |
Where were you going? |
Πήγαινα στο καφενείο. PIgena sto kafeNIo. |
I was going to the coffee-house. |
Θα πας στο θέατρο; tha pas sto THEatro? |
Will you go to the theater? |
Αυτή θα πάει στο θέατρο. afTI tha PAi sto THEatro. |
She will go to the theater. |
Πάμε στην παραλία. PAme stin paraLIa. |
Let's go to the beach. |
Πήγατε στο σπίτι της Μαρίας; PIgate sto SPIti tis maRIas? |
Did you (plural) go to Maria's house? |
Όχι, δεν πήγαμε. Ohi, then PIgame |
No, we did not go. |
Πότε θα πάνε στο νησί; POte tha PAne sto niSI? |
When will they go to the island? |
Θα πάνε τον επόμενο μήνα. tha PAne ton ePOmeno MIna. |
They'll go next month. |
Που πάει ο Δημήτρης; pou PAi o thiMItris? |
Where is Dimitris going? |
Πάει να δουλέψει. PAi na thouLEpsi. |
He is going to work. |
Που πήγε ο Δημήτρης; pou PIge o
thiMItris? |
Where did Dimitris go? |
Πήγε να δουλέψει. PIge na
thouLEpsi. |
He went to work. |