Part one of greek phrases using the words for the months.
Please learn the phrases and the Greek words below. Click the play button to play the sounds for each section. (+) Show or Hide the "Key" Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more information. Words to Learn:
Εγώ μαθαίνω = I learn Εγώ φέρνω = I bring Εγώ έρχομαι = I come εγώ τελειώνω = finish ο χρόνος = year ο μήνας = month ο Ιανουάριος, Γενάρης = January ο Φεβρουάριος = February ο Μάρτιος, ο Μάρτης = March ο Απρίλιος, ο Απρίλης = April ο Μάιος, ο Μάης = May ο Ιούνιος = June έπειτα = then, after επίσης, και = also η άνοιξη = spring το καλοκαίρι = summer |