Page 2 of words that start with M. Learn the Greek words below.
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Greek |
Audio |
Phonetics |
English |
(η) μέθοδος |
ME-thothos |
method |
(το) μικρόβιο |
mi-KRO-vio |
microbe |
(το) μικρόφωνο |
mi-KRO-fono |
microphone |
(το) μικροσκόπιο μικροσκοπικός, -ή, -ό |

mikro-SKO-pio mikroskopi-KOS |
microscope microscopic |
(η) μέση μεσαίος, -α, -ο |

ME-si me-SE-os |
middle |
(ο) νους (το) μυαλό |

nous mia-LO |
mind |
(η) μικρογραφία |
mikrogra-FI-a |
miniature |
(το) θαύμα |
THAV-ma |
miracle |
άθλιος, -α, -ο μίζερος, -η, -ο |

A-thlios Mi-zeros |
miserable |
(η) αθλιότητα (η) μιζέρια |

athli-O-tita mi-ZE-ria |
misery |
(εγώ) αστοχώ |
asto-HO |
(I) miss |
(η) δεσποινίδα |
thespi-NI-tha |
miss |
(η) αποστολή |
aposto-LI |
mission |
(το) λάθος |
LA-thos |
mistake |
(ο) κύριος |
KI-rios |
mister |
(η) κακή χρήση |
ka-KI HRI-si |
misuse |
(εγώ) ανακατεύω |
anaka-TE-vo |
mix |
(το) μίγμα |
MIG-ma |
mixture |
σύγχρονος, -η, -ο μοντέρνος, -α, -ο |

SI-hronos mo-DER-nos |
modern |
(εγώ) τροποποιώ |
tropopi-O |
modify |
υγρός, -ή, -ό |
ee-GROS |
moist |
(η) στιγμή |
stig-MI |
moment |
(το) μοναστήρι |
mona-STI-ri |
monastery |
(τα) χρήματα (τα) λεφτά |

HRI-mata le-FTA |
money |
(ο) καλόγηρος (ο) μοναχός |

ka-LO-giros mona-HOS |
monk |
(το) τέρας |
TE-ras |
monster |
(το) μνημείο |
mni-MI-o |
monument |
(η) διάθεση |
THIA-thesi |
mood |
(η) σελήνη (το) φεγγάρι |

se-LI-ni fe-GA-ri |
moon |
μωσαϊκός, -ή, -ό ψηφιδωτός, -ή, -ό |

mosai-KOS psifi-tho-TOS |
mosaic |
(το) βουνό (το) όρος |

vou-NO O-ros |
mount, mountain |
(εγώ) κινώ (εγώ) κινούμαι |

ki-NO ki-NOU-me |
(I) move (I'm) moving (myself) |
(η) κίνηση |
KI-nisi |
(the) move |
πολλαπλός, -ή, -ό |
pola-PLOS |
multiple |
πρέπει |
PRE-pi |
must |
Remember; the words that are adjectives they have three genders.
Where you see a word followed by two more endings, is an adjective (or a Participle), therefore
it has three genders. Note, that some Pronouns have three genders also.
For more information please refer to:
Genders (part 1)
Genders (part 2) and