More Greek words. Enrich your Greek vocabulary!
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Greek |
Audio |
Phonetics |
English |
(εγώ) κερδίζω (το) κέρδος |

ker-THI-zo KER-thos |
(I) gain (the) gain |
(ο) γαλαξίας |
gala-KSI-as |
galaxy |
(εγώ) χαρτοπαίζω (ο) χαρτοπαίχτης |

harto-PE-zo harto-PEH-tis |
gamble gambler |
(το) παιχνίδι |
peh-NI-thi |
game |
(τα) σκουπίδια (plural) |
skou-PI-thia |
garbage |
(ο) κήπος (ο) κηπουρός |

KI-pos kipou-TOS |
garden gardener |
(η) κηπουρική |
kipouri-KI |
gardening |
(το) αέριο (η) βενζίνη |

a-E-rio ven-ZI-ni |
gas gas (fuel) |
(το) βενζινάδικο |
venzi-NA-thiko |
gas station |
(η) πύλη |
PI-li |
gate |
(η) γάζα |
GA-za |
gauze |
γενικός, -ή, -ό γενικώς |

geni-KOS geni-KOS |
general generally |
(ο) στρατηγός |
strati-GOS |
general (army) |
(η) μεγαλοφυΐα (η) ευφυΐα |

megalofi-I-a efi-I-a |
genius |
(το) φάντασμα |
FA-dasma |
ghost |
(ο) γίγαντας |
GI-gadas |
giant |
(το) δώρο |
THO-ro |
gift |
(εγώ) δίνω δεδομένος, -η, -ο |

THI-no thetho-ME-nos |
give given |
χαρούμενος, -η, -ο |
ha-ROU-menos |
glad |
(η) ματιά (το) βλέμμα |

ma-TIA VLE-ma |
glance |
(ο) αδένας |
a-THE-nas |
gland |
(εγώ) λάμπω (η) λάμψη |

LA-bo LAM-psi |
(I) glare (the) glare |
(το) γυαλί (το) ποτήρι |

gia-LI po-TI-ri |
glass |
(η) δόξα |
THO-ksa |
glory |
(εγώ) λάμπω λαμπερός, -ή, -ό |

LA-bo labe-ROS |
(I) glow glow |
(εγώ) κολλάω (εγώ) κολλώ |

ko-LO ko-LA-o |
(I) glue |
(η) κόλλα |
KO-la |
(the) glue |
(εγώ) πηγαίνω |
pi-GE-no |
go |
(ο) σκοπός (το) τέρμα |

sko-POS TER-ma |
goal |
(ο) θεός (η) θεά |

the-OS the-A |
god goddess |
καλός, -ή, -ό |
ka-LOS |
good |
(ο) βλάκας |
VLA-kas |
goof |
(εγώ) αρπάζω |
ar-PA-zo |
grab |
(εγώ) παραχωρώ (εγώ) χαρίζω |

paraho-RO ha-RI-zo |
grant |
ελληνικός, -ή, -ό (η) Ελλάδα |

elini-KOS e-LA-tha |
Greecian Greece |
(ο) έλληνας (η) ελληνίδα |

E-linas eli-NI-tha |
Greek man Greek woman |
(εγώ) χαιρέτω (ο) χαιρετισμός |

he-re-TO hereti-SMOS |
greet greeting |
(το) έδαφος |
E-thafos |
ground |
(εγώ) μεγαλώνω (εγώ) καλλιεργώ |

mega-LO-no kalier-GO |
grow |
(εγώ) φρουρώ (εγώ) φυλάω |

frou-RO fi-LA-o |
(I) guard (I) guard |
(ο) φρουρός (ο) φύλακας |

frou-ROS FI-lakas |
(the) guard (the) guard |
(εγώ) υποθέτω |
eepo-THE-to |
guess |
(ο) επισκέπτης |
epi-SKE-ptis |
guest |
(η) ενοχή ένοχος, -η, -ο |

eno-HI E-nohos |
guilt guilty |
(το) όπλο (το) πιστόλι |

O-plo pi-STO-li |
gun |
Remember; the words that are adjectives they have three genders.
Where you see a word followed by two more endings, is an adjective (or a Participle), therefore
it has three genders. Note, that some Pronouns have three genders also.
For more information please refer to:
Genders (part 1)
Genders (part 2) and