Page 1 of 2 of English words that Start with U and their Greek explanation.
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Greek |
Audio |
Phonetics |
English |
άσχημος, -η, -ο |
AS-himos |
ugly |
(το) έλκος |
EL-kos |
ulcer |
έσχατος, -η, -ο τελικός, -ή, -ό |

ES-hatos teli-KOS |
ultimate |
υπερηχητικός, -ή, -ό |
eeperihiti-KOS |
ultrasonic |
υπεριώδης, -ης, -ες |
eeperi-O-this |
ultraviolet |
(η) ομπρέλλα |
o-BRE-la |
umbrella |
ανίκανος, -η, -ο |
a-NI-kanos |
unable |
απολίτιστος, -η, -ο |
apo-LI-tistos |
uncivilized |
στενάχωρος, -η, -ο |
ste-NA-horos |
uncomfortable |
άνευ όρων απόλυτος, -η,-ο |

A-nef O-ron a-PO-litos |
unconditional |
αναίσθητος, -η, -ο |
a-NES-thitos |
unconscious |
(εγώ) αποκαλύπτω |
apoka-LI-pto |
uncover |
άκοπος, -η, -ο |
A-kopos |
uncut |
μυστικός, -ή, -ό κρυφός, -ή, -ό |

misti-KOS kri-FOS |
undercover |
υπόγειος, -α, -ο |
ee-PO-gios |
underground |
(εγώ) υπογραμμίζω |
eepogra-MI-zo |
underline |
αποκάτω |
apo-KA-to |
underneath |
(εγώ) καταλαβαίνω |
katala-VE-no |
understand |
(εγώ) αναλαμβάνω |
analam-VA-no |
undertake |
μη επιθυμητός
ανεπιθύμητος, -η, -ο |

mi epithimi-TOS
anepi-THI-mitos |
undesirable |
αόριστος, -η, -ο αναποφάσιστος, -η, -ο |

a-O-ristos anapo-FA-sistos |
undetermined |
ανήσυχος, -η, -ο |
a-NI-sihos |
uneasy |
ανεκπαίδευτος, -η, -ο αγράμματος,
-η, -ο |

anek-PE-theftos a-GRA-matos |
uneducated |
άνεργος, -η, -ο |
A-nergos |
unemloyed |
απροσδόκητος, -η, -ο |
apros-THO-kitos |
unexpected |
άδικος, -η, -ο |
A-thikos |
unfair |
αξέχαστος, -η, -ο |
a-KSE-hastos |
unforgettable |
άτυχος, -η, -ο |
A-tihos |
unfortunate |
αχάριστος, -η, -ο |
a-HA-ristos |
ungrateful |
δυστυχισμένος, -η, -ο |
thistihi-SME-nos |
unhappy |
μοναδικός, -ή, -ό |
monathi-KOS |
unique |
(εγώ) ενώνω ενωμένος, -η, -ο |

e-NO-no eno-ME-nos |
unite united |
παγκόσμιος, -α, -ο |
pa-GO-smios |
universal |
(το) σύμπαν (ο) κόσμος |

SI-ban KO-smos |
universe |
(το) πανεπιστήμιο |
panepi-STI-mio |
university |
άγνωστος, -η, -ο |
A-gnostos |
unknown |
Remember; the words that are adjectives they have three genders.
Where you see a word followed by two more endings, is an adjective (or a Participle), therefore
it has three genders. Note, that some Pronouns have three genders also.
For more information please refer to:
Genders (part 1)
Genders (part 2) and