Learn Greek words that their English translation start with the lettr O.
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Greek |
Audio |
Phonetics |
English |
(η) υπακοή υπάκουος, -η, -ο |

eepako-I ee-PA-kouos |
obedience obedient |
(εγώ) υπακούω |
eepa-KOU-o |
obey |
(το) αντικείμενο (ο) σκοπός |

adi-KI-meno sko-POS |
(the) object (the) object |
αντικειμενικός, -ή, -ό (ο) σκοπός |

adikimeni-KOS sko-POS |
objective objective |
(εγώ) εναντιούμαι |
enadi-OU-me |
(I) object |
(εγώ) υποχρεώνω υποχρεωμένος, -η, -ο |

eepohre-O-no eepohreo-ME-nos |
obligate obligated |
παρατηρητικός, -ή, -ό (εγώ) παρατηρώ |

paratiriti-KOS parati-RO |
observant observe |
(εγώ) αποκτώ |
apo-KTO |
obtain |
φανερός, -ή, -ό |
fane-ROS |
obvious |
(η) περίσταση (η) ευκαιρία |

pe-RI-stasi efke-RI-a |
occasion |
(το) επάγγελμα |
e-PA-gelma |
occupation |
ασυνήθιστος, -η, -ο αλλόκοτος, -η, -ο |

asi-NI-thistos a-LO-kotos |
odd |
(η) μυρωδιά |
miro-THIA |
odor |
(εγώ) προσβάλω |
pro-SVA-lo |
offend |
(εγώ) προσφέρω (η) προσφορά |

pro-SFE-ro prosfo-RA |
(I) offer (the) offer |
(το) γραφείο |
gra-FI-o |
office |
(ο) αξιωματικός (ο) επίσημος |

aksiomati-KOS e-PI-simos |
officer official |
συχνά |
si-HNA |
often |
παλιός, -ά, -ό |
pa-LIOS |
old |
(ο) γέρος (man) (η) γριά (woman) |

GE-ros (man) gri-A (woman) |
old |
ολυμπιακός, -ή, -ό (οι) Ολυμπιακοί αγώνες |

olibia-KOS olibia-KI a-GO-nes |
olympic Olymbic games |
μια φορά |
mia fo-RA |
once |
μόνο |
MO-no |
only |
(εγώ) ανοίγω ανοιχτός, -ή, -ό |

a-NI-go ani-HTOS |
(I) open open |
(η) ευκαιρία |
efke-RI-a |
opportunity |
απέναντι αντίθετος, -η, -ό |

a-PE-nadi a-DI-thetos |
opposite |
(η) διαταγή (η) παραγγελία |

thiata-GI parage-LI-a |
(the) order (the) order |
(εγώ) διατάζω (εγώ) παραγγέλνω |

thia-TA-zo para-GEL-no |
(I) order (I) order |
(εγώ) οργανώνω (η) οργάνωση |

orga-NO-no or-GA-nosi |
organize organization |
ορθόδοξος, -η, -ο |
or-THO-thoksos |
orthodox |
(εγώ) οφείλω |
o-FI-lo |
ought |
(το) αποτέλεσμα |
apo-TE-lesma |
outcome |
έξω |
E-kso |
outside |
πάνω |
PA-no |
over |
(η) υπερωρία |
eepero-RI-a |
overtime |
δικό μου (σου, του...) |
thi-KO mou (sou, tou...) |
own |
(ο) ιδιοκτήτης |
eethio-KTI-tis |
owner |
(το) οξυγόνο |
oksi-GO-no |
oxygen |
(το) όζον |
O-zon |
ozone |
Remember; the words that are adjectives they have three genders.
Where you see a word followed by two more endings, is an adjective (or a Participle), therefore
it has three genders. Note, that some Pronouns have three genders also.
For more information please refer to:
Genders (part 1)
Genders (part 2) and