Commonly used words starting with the letter D, and their Greek translation. This is page 1 of 3.
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Greek |
Audio |
Phonetics |
English |
ημερήσιος, -α, -ο καθημερινός, -ή, -ό |

eeme-RI-sios kathimeri-NOS |
daily |
(το) φράγμα (ο) υδροφράχτης |

FRA-gma eethro-FRAH-tis |
dam |
(η) ζημιά (η) βλάβη |

zi-MIA VLA-vi |
damage |
υγρός, -ή, -ό |
eeg-ROS |
damp |
(εγώ) χορεύω (ο) χορός |

ho-REV-o ho-ROS |
(I) dance (the) dance |
(ο) χορευτής (η) χορεύτρια |

horef-TIS ho-REF-tria |
male dancer female dancer |
(ο) κίνδυνος επικίνδυνος, -η, -ο |

KIN-thinos epi-KIN-thinos |
danger dangerous |
(εγώ) τολμώ (εγώ) προκαλώ |

tol-MO proka-LO |
dare |
σκοτεινός, -ή, -ό |
skoti-NOS |
dark |
(η) ημερομηνία |
eemeromi-NI-a |
date |
νεκρός, -ή, -ό πεθαμένος, -ή, -ό |

ne-KROS petha-ME-nos |
dead |
αγαπητός, -ή, -ό |
agapi-TOS |
dear |
(ο) θάνατος |
THA-natos |
death |
(το) χρέος |
HRE-os |
debt |
(εγώ) απατώ |
apa-TO |
deceive |
(η) απάτη |
a-PA-ti |
deception |
(εγώ) αποφασίζω (η) απόφαση |

apofa-SI-zo a-PO-fasi |
decide decision |
(εγώ) στολίζω (εγώ) διακοσμώ |

sto-LI-zo thiako-SMO |
decorate |
(η) διακόσμηση |
thia-KO-smisi |
decoration |
βαθύς, -ιά, ύ |
va-THIS |
deep |
(εγώ) υπερασπίζω (η) άμυνα |

eepera-SPI-zo A-mina |
defend defense |
(η) αφυδάτωση |
afi-THA-tosi |
dehydration |
λεπτός, -ή, -ό |
lep-TOS |
delicate |
νόστιμος, -η, -ο |
NO-stinos |
delicious |
(εγώ) απαιτώ (η) απαίτηση |

ape-TO a-PE-tisi |
(I) demand (the) demand |
(εγώ) αρνούμαι |
ar-NOU-me |
deny |
(εγώ) αναχωρώ (η) αναχώρηση |

anaho-RO ana-HO-risi |
depart departure |
(εγώ) καταθέτω (η) κατάθεση |

kata-THE-to ka-TA-thesi |
(I) deposit (the) deposit |
(το) βάθος |
VA-thos |
depth |
(εγώ) αξίζω |
a-KSI-zo |
deserve |
(εγώ) σχεδιάζω (το) σχέδιο |

shethi-A-zo SHE-thio |
(I) design (the) design |
(ο) σχεδιαστής |
shethia-STIS |
designer |
(εγώ) επιθυμώ (η) επιθυμία |

epithi-MO epithi-MI-a |
(I) desire (the) desire |
(εγώ) καταστρέφω |
kata-STRE-fo |
destroy |
(η) καταστροφή |
katastro-FI |
destruction |
(η) λεπτομέρεια |
lepto-ME-ria |
detail |
Remember; the words that are adjectives they have three genders.
Where you see a word followed by two more endings, is an adjective (or a Participle), therefore
it has three genders. Note, that some Pronouns have three genders also.
For more information please refer to:
Genders (part 1)
Genders (part 2) and