Let's learn some mathematical terms in Greek. Learn all the words or just the ones that you are interested in.
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Greek |
Audio |
Phonetics |
English |
(η) πρόσθεση |
PRO-sthesi |
addition |
(η) άλγεβρα |
AL-gevra |
algebra |
(η) γωνία |
go-NI-a |
angle |
(η) αριθμητική |
arithmiti-KI |
arithmetic |
(ο) διαφορικός λογισμός |
thiafori-KOS logi-SMOS |
calculus |
(η) μοίρα |
MI-ra |
degree |
(η) διαίρεση |
thi-E-resi |
division |
(η) εξίσωση (εγώ) εξισώνω |

eksi-SO-no |
equalization equalize |
(ο) παράγοντας |
pa-RA-gontas |
factors |
(το) κλάσμα |
KLA-sma |
fraction |
(η) γεωμετρία |
geome-TRI-a |
geometry |
(η) ανίσωση |
a-NI-sosi |
inequality |
(τα) μαθηματικά (plural) |
mathimati-KA |
mathematics |
(ο) μαθηματικός όρος |
mathimati-KOS O-ros |
mathematical term |
(ο) πολλαπλασιασμός |
polaplasia-SMOS |
multiplication |
τοις εκατό |
tis eka-TO |
percent |
(το) ποσοστό (η) επί τοις εκατό αναλογία |

e-PI tis eka-TO analo-GI-a |
percentage |
(η) δύναμη |
THI-nami |
power |
(η) λύση |
LI-si |
solution |
(η) τετραγωνική ρίζα |
tetragoni-KI RI-za |
square root |
(η) αφαίρεση |
a-FE-resi |
subtraction |
(το) ποσό (το) άθροισμα |

po-SO A-thrisma |
sum |
(η) τριγωνομετρία |
trigonome-TRI-a |
trigonometry |
(=) ίσον |
EE-son |
equal |
(+) συν (+) και |

sin ke |
plus |
(* x) επί |
e-PI |
times |
(: / )δια |
thia |
divided by |
( - ) μείον |
MI-on |
minus |
( π ) πι |
pi |
pi |