Cities and places of Greece. Learn the names of some Greek cities before you travel to Greece.
In this page are the cities that start with letters N-Z.
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See
Accent for more information.
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Greek |
Audio |
Phonetics |
English |
(η) Νέα Σμύρνη |
NE-a SMIR-ni |
Nea Smirni |
(η) Νίκαια |
NI-kea |
Nikaia |
(η) Ολυμπία |
oli-BI-a |
Olympia |
(τα) Ολύμπια |
o-LI-bia |
Olympia (same city, different accent) |
(η) πλατεία Ομόνοιας |
pla-TI-a o-MO-nias |
Omonia Square |
(η) Ομόνοια |
o-MO-nia |
Omonia |
(το) Παλαιό Φάληρο |
pale-O FA-liro |
Paleo Faliro |
(η) Πάρνηθα |
PAR-nitha |
Parnitha |
(η) Πάτρα |
PA-tra |
Patra |
(το) Πήλιον |
PI-lion |
Pelion |
(το) Πήλιο |
PI-lio |
Pelio (same as above) |
(η) Πελοπόννησος |
pelo-PO-nisos |
Peloponnesus |
(το) Περιστέρι |
peri-STE-ri |
Peristeri |
(η) Πετρούπολη |
pe-TROU-poli |
Petroupoli |
(ο) Πηρεάς |
pire-AS |
Pireas |
(το) Ψυχικό |
psihi-KO |
Psihiko |
(ο) Ρέντης |
REN-dis |
Rendis |
(ο) Σαρονικός κόλπος |
saroni-KOS KOL-pos |
Saronikos Kolpos |
(ο) Σχοινιάς |
shi-NIAS |
Schinias |
(το) Σύνταγμα |
SI-dagma |
Syntagma |
(η) Πλατεία Συντάγματος |
pla-TI-a si-DAG-matos |
Syntagma Square |
(ο) Βόλος |
VO-los |
Volos |
(η) Βούλα |
VOU-la |
Voula |
(η) Βουλιαγμένη |
vouliag-ME-ni |
Vouliagmeni |
(τα) Βρηλίσσια |
vri-LI-sia |
Vrilissia |
(το) Γιουσουρούμ |
gousou-ROUM |
Yushurum |