Greek - Phonetics |
Sound |
Translation |
Γιατί τρως; giaTI tros? |
Why are you eating? |
Γιατί πεινάω. giaTI piNAo. |
Because I am hungry. |
Πήγαινε στο δωμάτιό σου. PIgene sto thoMAtiO sou? |
Go to your room. |
Γιατί; giaTI? |
Why? |
Γιατί πρέπει να κοιμηθώ; giaTI PREpi na kimiTHO? |
Why must I sleep? |
Γιατί έχεις σχολείο αύριο giaTI Ehis shoLIo AVrio. |
Because you have school tomorrow |
Γιατί δεν τρως; giaTI then tros? |
Why aren't you eating? |
Διότι δεν μου αρέσει το φαγητό. thiOti then mou aREsi to fagiTO. |
Because I don't like the food. |
Γιατί δεν παίζεις; giaTI then PEzis? |
Why aren't you playing? |
Έπειδή δεν είμαι καλά. epiTHI then Ime kaLA. |
Because I don't feel good. |
Γιατί δεν πίνεις νερό; giaTI then PInis neRO? |
Why aren't you drinking water? |
Επειδή θέλω χυμό. epiTHI THElo hiMO. |
Because I want juice. |
Γιατί δεν διάβασες; giaTI then THIAvases? |
Why didn't you study? |
Διότι ήμουν άρρωστος. thiOti Imoun Arostos. |
Because I was sick. |