The Trojan War is one of the most famous stories in Greek mythology.
Even if one has never read Homer's "Iliad" most people have heard
of this war which started over a woman. Her name was Helen, and she has
come to be known as "the face that launched a thousand ships."
In this section we have separated this story into chapters everyone
can follow and understand. Every chapter is written in Greek and English.
You can read about Troy, Sparta and such heroes as Achilles, Odysseus, Hector and Paris and
also learn about the famous Trojan horse, which brought
about the saying "beware of Greeks bearing gifts."
All pages below are Free!
- Beautiful Helen

- Eris' Apple

- Paris and the Goddesses

- Paris in Troy

- Paris and Helen

- Menelaus and Agamemnon

- Odysseus' Trick

- Achilles Joins the War

- The Greeks in Mysia

- In Avlida

- The Sacrifice of Iphigenia

- Filohtitis

- The First Battle

- The Negotiations With the Trojans

- The First 9 Years of War

- Palamidis' Death

- Achilles Withdraws From the War

- Achilles Asks His Mother For Help

- Paris' Decision

- Menelaus Fight With Paris

- Pandaros Aim at Menelaus

- Aias and Hector

- The Victory of the Trojans

- Agamemnon Tries to Reconcile with Achilles

- The Battle Near the Greek Camp

- The Battle Near the Ships

- Patroklos' Death

- The Battle for Patroklos' Body

- Achilles Reconcile with Agamemnon

- Hector's Death

- Priam Asks for his Son's Body
- The End of Achilles

- The Return of Filohtitis

- The Trojan Horse

- The Destruction of Troy

- The Return to Greece
