Learn the names of different parts of the human body in Greek.
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Greek |
Audio |
Phonetics |
English |
(το) κεφάλι |
ke-FA-li |
head |
(το) πρόσωπο |
PRO-sopo |
face |
(το) μάγουλο |
MA-goulo |
cheek |
(τα) μαλλιά (plural) |
ma-LIA |
hair |
(τα) φρύδια (plural) |
FRI-thia |
eye-brows |
(το) μάτι |
MA-ti |
eye |
(το) αυτί |
af-TI |
ear |
(η) μύτη |
MI-ti |
nose |
(τα) ρουθούνια (plural) |
rou-THOU-nia |
nostrils |
(το) στόμα |
STO-ma |
mouth |
(τα) χείλια (plural) |
HI-lia |
lips |
(τα) δόντια (plural) |
THON-tia |
teeth |
(η) γλώσσα |
GLO-sa |
tongue |
(τα) ούλα (plural) |
OU-la |
gums |
(ο) λαιμός |
le-MOS |
neck, throat |
(το) στήθος |
STI-thos |
chest |
(η) πλάτη |
PLA-ti |
back |
(η) μέση |
ME-si |
lower back |
(η) κοιλιά |
ki-LIA |
belly, tummy |
(το) χέρι |
HE-ri |
hand, arm |
(ο) βραχίονας |
vra-HI-onas |
arm |
(ο) καρπός |
kar-POS |
wrist |
(τα) νύχια (plural) |
NI-hia |
nails |
(το) δάκτυλο |
THA-ktilo |
finger |
(ο) αντίχειρας |
a-NTI-hiras |
thumb |
(το) πόδι |
PO-thi |
foot, leg |
(ο) μηρός (το) μπούτι |

mi-ROS BOU-ti |
thigh |
(το) δάκτυλο του ποδιού |
THA-ktilo tou po-THIOU |
toe |