Learn some words and phrases that start or contain the Greek double vowels: αυ, ευ
Click the play button to play the sounds for each section.
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented).
Accent for more information.
The double vowel αυ, sound like av in avocado or af in after.
The double vowel ευ, sound like ev in evolution or ef in cleff.
Check the examples below:
Greek - Phonetics |
Sound |
Translation |
η αύρα i AVra |
the breeze |
η ευκαιρία i efkeRIa |
the opportunity |
η αυγή i avGI |
the dawn |
η ευτυχία i eftiHIa |
the happiness |
το αυτί to afTI |
the ear |
το αυτόγραφο to afTOgrafo |
the autograph |
η ευχή i efHI |
the wish |
είναι αυτόματο Ine afTOmato |
it is automatic |
δεν είναι εύκολο
then Ine EFkolo |
it's not easy |
ο πατέρας μου είναι αυστηρός o paTEras mou Ine afstiROS |
my father is strict |
είμαι ευτυχισμένος Ime eftihiSMEnos |
I am happy |
η αύξηση i AFxisi |
the increase |
θέλω ένα αυγό THElo Ena avGO |
I want an egg |
ο Αύγουστος είναι ένας μήνας o AVgoustos Ine Enas MInas |
August is a month |