Conjunction Name |
Conjunctions |
Συμπλεκτικοί -
Connecting |
και (κι) = and
ούτε = neither, nor
μήτε = neither, nor
Συμπερασματικοί -
Inferential |
ώστε = therefore, so that,
λοιπόν = well, therefore, so
άρα = thus, therefore, so
επομένως = consequently, therefore
Συγκριτικός -
Comparative |
παρά = than, in spite of
Αντιθετικοί -
Show Antithesis |
όμως = however
αν και = although
αλλά = but
ενώ = while
μα = but
ωστόσο = however
παρά = instead of
μόνο = only
μολονότι = albeit
εν τούτοις = albeit
Ειδικοί -
Special (Define or determine something) |
ότι = that
πως = that
που = that
Χρονικοί -
Temporal |
σαν = like, as
οπότε = whenever
ενώ = while
μόλις = as soon as
καθώς = as
προτού = before
όταν = when
ώσπου = until
αφού = since
πριν = before
Επεξηγηματικός -
Explanatory |
δηλαδή = in other words
Αιτιολογικοί -
Causal |
γιατί = because (means "why" also)
επειδή = because
διότι = because
Τελικοί -
Purpose |
να = to
για να = so that, to
Διστακτικοί -
Hesitating |
μήπως = in case that ...
Υποθετικοί -
Conditional |
αν = if
άμα = if
εάν = if
Διαχωριστικοί -
Separating |
ή = or
είτε = or