Questions you might ask at a museum, like how much it costs, hours that you can visit and more.
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Pay attention to the following
before you start reading.
In phonetics where you see:
Capital letters is where the word is accented.
ee or i is pronounced as the ee in word beet.
e as the e in the word bet.
a as the a in the word father.
o as the o in the word only.
ou as the ou in the word Lou.
x as the x in the word fox.
th or th like the th in think.
th or th like the th in this.
Where you see a " y " or a (red) " g " in the phonetics for that
word, that " g " is
pronounced like the y in yes, or
like the w in wad
Capital letters is where the word is emphasized (accented). See Accent for more
information. Click the play button to play the audio for each section.
Greek - Phonetics |
Sound |
Translation |
Πόσο είναι η είσοδος στο μουσείο;
POso EEne ee EEsothos sto mouSIo? |
How much is admission to the museum? |
Είναι πέντε (5) ευρώ. EEne PEde evRO. |
It's 5 euro. |
Πότε άνοιξε το μουσείο για πρώτη φορά;
POte Anikse to mouSIo gia PROti foRA? |
When did the museum first open? |
Άνοιξε το χίλια οχτακόσια ενενήντα ένα.
Anikse to HIlia ohtaKOsia eneNIda Ena |
It opened in 1891. |
Τι θα δούμε; ti tha THOUme? |
What will we be seeing? |
Αγάλματα, πήλινα αγγεία και χρυσαφικά από την αρχαία Ελλάδα.
aGAlmata, PIlina aGIa ke hrisafiKA aPO tin arHEa eLAtha.
Sculptures, pottery and jewelry, from ancient Greece. |
Σας άρεσε η περιοδεία; sas Arese ee perioTHIa? |
Did you enjoy the tour?
Ναι, πάρα πολύ. Ήταν πολύ ενδιαφέρον.
ne, PAra poLI. EEtan poLI enthiaFEron. |
Yes very much. It was very interesting. |