Greek - Phonetics |
Sound |
Translation |
Εγώ λέω (λέγω). eGO LEo. |
I say - I tell. |
Εγώ είπα. eGO Ipa. |
I said - I told. |
Μη το πεις! mi to pis! |
Don't say it! |
Τι είπε; ti Ipe? |
What did she say? |
Είπε πως θα έρθει στο πάρτυ.
Ipe pos tha ERthi sto PARti. |
She said that she'll come to the party. |
Πες το. PESsto. |
Say it. |
Μη του το λες. mi tou to les. |
Don't tell him. |
Σου είπα να μην παίξεις. sou Ipa na min PExis. |
I told you not to play. |
Μου είπε να πάω σπίτι. mou Ipe na PAo SPIti. |
She told me to go home. |
Τους είπαμε να φάνε το φαγητό τους. tous Ipame na FAne to fagiTO tous. |
We told them to eat their food. |
Μου είπε ότι είσαι καλός στα μαθηματικά.
mou Ipe Oti Ise kaLOS sta mathimatiKA. |
He told me that you are good at math. |
Σου έχω πει να μη παίζεις. sou Eho pi na mi PEzis. |
I have told you not to play around. |
Τι μου λες; ti mou les? |
What are you telling me? |
Πρέπει να πω ότι το έργο ήταν καλό. PREpi na po Oti to
ERgo Itan kaLO. |
I must say that the movie was good. |