Easy Greek language lessons for
beginners and intermediates!
Geared more towards children, all the following Greek lessons
were used for tutoring children and adults by the owners of ILearnGreek.com.
In this directory, kids and adults can
learn and practice basic Greek phrases and Greek words.
Learn phrases and words quicly. Easy to follow lessons, perfect for kids, beginners, and tourists!
- Practice makes perfect! After you finish a few lessons try mixing and
matching phrases. For example:
- Phrase 1: "ο Ηρακλής ήταν ένας ήρωας (Hercules was a hero)"
- Phrase 2: "ο θείος μου είναι καλός (my uncle is good)"
- New Phrase: "ο θείος μου είναι ήρωας (my uncle is a hero)"
All lessons below are free with ads.
You can study without the ads by paying for one of our subscriptions.
- Lesson 1: Αα, Ββ, Γγ
- Lesson 2: Δδ, Εε, Ζζ
- Lesson 3: Ηη, Θθ, Ιι
- Lesson 4: Κκ, Λλ, Μμ
- Lesson 5: Νν, Ξξ, Οο
- Lesson 6: Ππ, Ρρ, Σσς
- Lesson 7: Ττ, Υυ, Φφ
- Lesson 8: Χχ, Ψψ, Ωω
- Lesson 9: Double Vowels - οι, ει, υι
- Lesson 10: Double Vowels - αι, ου
- Lesson 11: Double Vowels - αυ, ευ
- Lesson 12: Double Consonants - μπ, ντ
- Lesson 13: Double Consonants - γκ, γγ
- Lesson 14: Double Consonants - τσ, τζ
- Lesson 15 Simple Reading
- Lesson 16 Simple Reading
- Lesson 17 Simple Reading
- Lesson 18 Simple Reading
- Lesson 19 Simple Reading
- Lesson 20 Simple Reading
- Lesson 21 Simple Reading
- Lesson 22 Simple Reading
- Lesson 23 Simple Reading
Beginners 1
- Basic conversation and phrases
- Answering the Phone
- Using Numbers (1-12)
- At the Dinner Table
- Colors
- In the Kitchen
- Personal Hygiene
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Christmas & New Years
- About School
- One, Many
- Rooms of the House
- Playing, Toys and Games
- Here, There, Up, Down, Under, etc.
- Who, Which, Where, What
- How & When
- Why & Because
- Parts of the Body
- Clothes with Numbers
- Persons and Relations
- Our World
- Easter
- Days of the Week
- Characteristics
- Farm and House Animals
Beginners 2
- Basic conversation and phrases (2)
- Answering the Phone (2)
- Food & Kitchen
- Colors, Coloring & Painting
- In the Kitchen
- Personal Hygiene. I Clean
- Fruits Vegetables & More
- One, Two... Many
- House Rooms & More (2)
- Toys, Games & Playing (2)
- Here, There, Up, Down, Under, In, Out, Beside.
- Who, Which, Where, What (2)
- Parts of the Body 2
- Clothes and their Plural
- Lesson 1 - The school
- Lesson 2 - The Autumn
- Lesson 3 - A Rainy Day
- Lesson 4 - Dinner with the Family
- Lesson 5 - Thanksgiving Day
- Lesson 6 - The decoration of the yard
- Lesson 7 - The Winter
- Lesson 8 - At Grandpa’s House
- Lesson 9 - A Saturday with snow
- Lesson 10 - My House
- Lesson 11 - The Week
- Lesson 12 - The Lent
- Lesson 13 - The months of the Year - Page 1
- Lesson 14 - The months of the Year - Page 2
- Lesson 15 - The Days of the Week
Intermediate 1
- Lesson 1 - Cities of Greece
- Lesson 2 - My Relatives
- Lesson 3 - At the Farm
- Lesson 4 - The Spring
- Lesson 5 - The Garden
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