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I Learn Greek.com's Dictionary Search Tips

How to Choose your Search Option

You can search in English, Greek, or with Phonetics. The Greek word in the results is linked to an automated audio file. Click to listen.

Remember! When searching for an adjective, type the masculine form in singular and in Nominative case.
When searching for a verb, type the verb in the first person of the present tense in Indicative mood.
When searching for a repeated word (chop-chop) put a dash(-) between the words without spaces.
When searching for two words separate them with a space.
The title "Comments", that will appear when a word is found, gives you the grammatical type and other explanations about the Greek word if applicable. We provided you with 2 search options.

1. Exact Word and Phrases:

  This is the default option, and probably the best as it also allows you to search for phrases (ex: "movie theater").  Use this option to search for one (1) word or one (1) phrase. Make sure that your spelling is correct. Don't use multiple spaces.

2. Words that contain your search term:

  When you check this button you can search for words that contain your search term. Example: the word "truck" will return "firetruck" and "truck". Minimum number of characters required is 3. Again watch your spelling and know that the maximum records that
will be returned to you is 200.

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